CNM » Event » Austria | France @ Waves Vienna 2024 (September 5 to 7)

Austria | France @ Waves Vienna 2024 (September 5 to 7)

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From 5 to 7 September 2024, the 14th edition of Waves Vienna will take place in the Austrian capital. As part of the ‘France @ Waves Vienna’ operation, seven made-in-France artists will be performing on site, and the ‘French Artist Pitch Breakfast’ networking session will give French professionals the chance to present their projects to their international counterparts.

 The French presence in 2024

As part of the France @ Waves Vienna operation, initiated by the CNM, there will be a major French presence at the event. Seven made-in-France artists selected by the festival will be performing on site this year, accompanied by their respective representatives :

  •     COSMOPAARK (A gauche de la lune) Sat 07.09. | 21:00 – 21:45 | Kramladen   
  •     DAVID PASQUET TRIO (ARTES) Thu 05.09. | 19:30 – 20:15 | Fanialive   
  •     EAT- GIRLS (Persona Grata Agency) Fri 06.09. | 21:00 – 21:45 | Kramladen 
  •     ELLE VALENCI (Le Comte de Bregeot) Sat 07.09. | 19:45 – 20:30 | Loft Main Floor  
  •     LAVENTURE (Persona Grata Agency) Fri 06.09. | 18:30 – 19:15 | Loft Main Floor
  •     RAVAGE CLUB (Pool Management) Fri 06.09. | 21:45 – 22:30 | Cafe Carina 
  •     WE HATE YOU PLEASE DIE (3C tour) Fri 06.09. | 22:45 – 23:30 | B72 

French Artist Pitch by CNM

As part of the Waves Vienna Delegates Tour on Saturday Sept. 7th, the CNM will be organising a B2B networking breakfast entitled “French Artist Pitch” to give French professionals an opportunity to present their projects on the festival bill and to meet their Austrian and international counterparts. RSVP is mandatory via the application for the Waves Vienna Delegates Tour, please register here!

For further information about the French presence at Waves Vienna, please contact Daniel Winkel and Benjamin Demelemester from CNM’s international team, both present during this year’s edition.

Listen to the What the France playlist dedicated
to the event

Artwork : Aerumnaa